Service Hotline:

+86-20 34438810
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Customized service

Maggigen has complete enzyme product development, optimization, transformation technology and rich experience, and also has a standard GMP production workshop, quality management system and R&D department.

Raw material development and production

Provide customized OEM services for existing products, customized development and production services for specified raw materials, and transformation and evolution services for raw materials.

OEM production of test kits

Relying on the mature production process and platform of Magigen, it can reduce the investment in platform construction for customers and accelerate the product launch cycle

Protein interaction

Functional area

Weekly capacity


Introduce talents

Production line

We are trusted experts,
Let's keep it simple

Scientific quality management system

In line with the spirit of "dare to innovate, prudently seek progress", boldly introduce advanced automated production equipment, strengthen production management, and strictly control quality. Stand out in the competitive market and develop steadily.


01/ Validation of human protein interactions by precipitation

If endogenous antibodies and designated cell lines are required, please provide by customer. The company provides expression plasmids with Flag or GST tags.
Period: 60 working days for each pair of interaction experiments.
Authentication service.

Other services: Expression plasmids: provide HA, Myc, GFP and other expression plasmids; cell lines expressing tagged proteins.

Submit when service is complete:
1). Technical service report (experimental operation process, experimental data, charts, photos).
2). Interaction positive cloned plasmids in kind.

02/ PCA Detection of Pairwise Interactions between Human Proteins

Gene clones with correct sequence and related information are provided by customers. If the gene clone is in the company's library, it does not need to be provided.

Period: 60 working days for each pair of interaction PCA experiments.

Submit when service is complete:
1). Technical service report (experimental operation process, experimental data, charts, photos).
2). Interaction positive cloned plasmids in kind.


+86-20 34438810

(Service Hotline)


Tel: +86-20-34438810
Add:Unit 503-504, Building 3 Standard Property Unit 4, No.12 Luoxuan 3th Road, International Bio Island, Guangzhou, China

(Service Hotline)


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